home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ## Language file for analog 5.30. May not work with any other version.
- ##
- ## This is a language file for analog. Lines beginning with ## are comments.
- ## Each language should have one language file in its own character set,
- ## and can have an additional one for ASCII (7 bit) output.
- ##
- ## If your language doesn't seem to fit into this pattern, explain the problem
- ## to me, and I can adjust the source code if necessary.
- ##
- ## Russification made by Boris Litvinenko
- ## weber@vips.icn.gov.ru http://www-vips.icn.gov.ru
- ##
- ## Updates to version 5 and corrects by Denis Zhukov at 26/03/2002
- ## mailto: sav@iclub.nsu.ru
- ##
- ##
- ## The character set of this language file. Prefix with a * to indicate a
- ## multibyte character set: e.g. *ISO-2022-JP
- KOI8-R
- ## Abbreviations for the day and month names.
- ◊”.
- –Œ.
- ◊‘.
- ”“.
- fi‘.
- –‘.
- ”¬.
- —Œ◊
- Δ≈◊
- Õ¡“
- ¡–“
- Õ¡—
- …¿Œ
- …¿Ã
- ¡◊«
- ”≈Œ
- œÀ‘
- Œœ—
- ƒ≈À
- ## Next some standard common words.
- ## Abbreviation for "week beginning"
- Œ¡fi¡Ãœ Œ≈ƒ≈Ã…
- «œƒ
- ## Quarter of a year
- À◊¡“‘¡Ã
- Õ≈”—√
- ƒ≈Œÿ
- ƒŒ≈
- fi¡”
- Õ…Œ’‘¡
- Õ…Œ’‘
- ”≈À’Œƒ¡
- ”≈À’Œƒ
- ¬¡ ‘
- ¬¡ ‘
- ## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
- ?¬¡ ‘
- ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- ƒ¡ŒŒŸ»
- ## This has the right spacing for a column like 23/Mar/98 15:00-15:05
- ƒ¡‘¡ ◊“≈Õ—
- ◊“≈Õ—
- –≈“◊¡— ƒ¡‘¡
- –≈“◊œ≈ ◊“≈Õ—
- –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ—— ƒ¡‘¡
- –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ≈≈ ◊“≈Õ—
- Δ¡ Ã
- Δ¡ Ãœ◊
- »œ”‘
- »œ”‘œ◊
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ »œ”‘
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ» »œ”‘œ◊
- ƒ…“≈À‘œ“…—
- ƒ…“≈À‘œ“…
- ƒœÕ≈Œ
- ƒœÕ≈Œœ◊
- œ“«¡Œ…⁄¡√…—
- œ“«¡Œ…⁄¡√…
- “¡”€…“≈Œ…≈
- “¡”€…“≈Œ…
- URL≈
- ¬“¡’⁄≈“
- ¬“¡’⁄≈“œ◊
- ÔÛ
- OS's
- ## (= operating system, operating systems)
- “¡⁄Õ≈“
- –œ…”Àœ◊œ≈ ◊Ÿ“¡÷≈Œ…≈
- –œ…”Àœ◊Ÿ≈ ◊Ÿ“¡÷≈Œ…—
- ”¡ ‘
- ”¡ ‘œ◊
- ÀÃ…≈Œ‘
- ÀÃ…≈Œ‘œ◊
- Àœƒ ”‘¡‘’”
- ”‘¡‘’” ÀœƒŸ
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À
- ## Prefixes kilo, mega etc. to make kilobytes, megabytes etc.
- À…Ãœ
- Õ≈«¡
- «…«¡
- ‘≈“¡
- –≈‘¡
- ≈À⁄¡
- ⁄≈‘¡
- œ‘¡
- ## Shorter versions of the same prefixes for column headings
- À
- Ì
- Á
- Ù
- Â
- ˙
- Í
- ## Names for the rows in the File Size Report. Note that changing these will
- ## NOT change the boundaries! These are just labels for predetermined buckets.
- ## They should line up nicely when right-aligned.
- 0
- 1B- 10B
- 11B- 100B
- 101B- 1kB
- 1kB- 10kB
- 10kB-100kB
- 100kB- 1MB
- 1MB- 10MB
- 10MB-100MB
- 100MB- 1GB
- > 1GB
- ## Now the names of reports
- Ô”Œœ◊Œ¡— ÈŒΔœ“Õ¡√…—
- ## The time reports, plus "busiest" strings (at the bottom of each report)
- Û‘¡“Ÿ œ‘fi≈‘
- Ó¡…¬œÃ≈≈ ⁄¡«“’÷≈ŒŒŸ «œƒ:
- Î◊¡“‘¡ÃÿŒŸ œ‘fi≈‘
- Ó¡…¬œÃ≈≈ ⁄¡«“’÷≈ŒŒŸ À◊¡“‘¡Ã:
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ Õ≈”—√¡Õ
- Ó¡…¬œÃÿ€≈≈ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊œ œ¬“¡›≈Œ… ◊
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ Œ≈ƒ≈×Õ
- Ó¡…¬œÃ≈≈ ⁄¡«“’÷≈ŒŒ¡— Œ≈ƒ≈×: Œ¡fi¡Ãœ Œ≈ƒ≈Ã…
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ƒŒ—Õ Œ≈ƒ≈Ã…
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ƒŒ—Õ
- Ó¡…¬œÃ≈≈ ⁄¡«“’÷≈ŒŒŸ ƒ≈Œÿ:
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ◊“≈Õ≈Œ… ”’‘œÀ
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ◊“≈Õ≈Œ… ”’‘œÀ
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ fi¡”¡Õ Œ≈ƒ≈Ã…
- Ó¡…¬œÃ≈≈ ⁄¡«“’÷≈ŒŒŸ fi¡”:
- 15-‘… Õ…Œ’‘ŒŸ œ‘fi≈‘
- 15-‘… Õ…Œ’‘ŒŸ œ‘fi≈‘
- Ó¡…¬œÃ≈≈ ⁄¡«“’÷≈ŒŒŸ≈ 15 Õ…Œ. ◊ fi¡”≈:
- 5-‘… Õ…Œ’‘ŒŸ œ‘fi≈‘
- 5-‘… Õ…Œ’‘ŒŸ œ‘fi≈‘
- Ó¡…¬œÃ≈≈ ⁄¡«“’÷≈ŒŒŸ≈ 5 Õ…Œ. ◊ fi¡”≈:
- ## The non-time reports. In each case, we have the name of the report,
- ## followed by the type of item in the report, once in the singular and once
- ## in the plural. These are used in phrases like "including all ??? with at
- ## least 200 requests". (The words higher up are used for column headings.)
- ## Finally we have the gender of this type of object, which can be m, f or n.
- ##
- ## So for example, in German a directory is Verzeichnis (neuter gender), which
- ## was given above. But "listing the top directory" is "Ausgabe des ersten
- ## Verzeichnisses" and "listing the top two directories" is "Ausgabe der
- ## ersten zwei Verzeichnisse". So here, we would have for the directory report:
- ##
- ## Verzeichnis-Bericht
- ## Verzeichnisses
- ## Verzeichnisse
- ## n
- ##
- ## I hope that makes sense!
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ »œ”‘¡Õ
- »œ”‘
- »œ”‘œ◊
- n
- Ô‘fi≈‘ œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈Œ…—»
- »œ”‘
- »œ”‘œ◊
- n
- Ô‘fi≈‘ œ¬ œ€…¬À¡» »œ”‘¡
- »œ”‘
- »œ”‘œ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ƒ…“≈À‘œ“…—Õ
- ƒ…“≈À‘œ“…—
- ƒ…“≈À‘œ“…
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ‘…–¡Õ Δ¡ Ãœ◊
- “¡”€…“≈Œ…≈
- “¡”€…“≈Œ…
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ⁄¡–“œ”¡Õ
- Δ¡ Ã
- Δ¡ Ãœ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ “≈ƒ…“≈À‘¡Õ
- Δ¡ Ã
- Δ¡ Ãœ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ œ‘À¡⁄¡Õ
- Δ¡ Ã
- Δ¡ Ãœ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ””ŸÃÀ¡Õ
- ””ŸÃ¡¿›… ”— URL
- ””ŸÃ¡¿›…»”— URL≈
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ””ŸÃ¡¿›…Õ”— ”¡ ‘¡Õ
- ””ŸÃ¡¿›… ”— ”¡ ‘
- ””ŸÃ¡¿›…»”— ”¡ ‘œ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊׿›…Õ ””ŸÃÀ¡Õ
- ””ŸÃ¡¿›… ”— URL
- ””ŸÃ¡¿›…»”— URL≈
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ œ‘À¡⁄œ◊ –œ ””ŸÃÀ¡Õ
- ”ŸŸÃ¡¿›… ”— URL
- ””ŸÃ¡¿›…»”— URLs
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ –œ…”Àœ◊ŸÕ ⁄¡–“œ”¡Õ
- ⁄¡–“œ”
- ⁄¡–“œ”Ÿ
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ –œ…”Àœ◊ŸÕ ”Ãœ◊¡Õ
- ”Ãœ◊œ ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- ”Ãœ◊¡ ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- n
- Ô‘fi≈‘ œ ◊Œ’‘“≈ŒŒ…» –œ…”Àœ◊Ÿ» ⁄¡–“œ”¡»
- ⁄¡–“œ”
- ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- n
- Ô‘fi≈‘ œ ◊Œ’‘“≈ŒŒ…» –œ…”Àœ◊Ÿ» ⁄¡–“œ”¡» (…”–œÃÿ⁄’≈ÕŸ≈ ”Ãœ◊¡)
- ”Ãœ◊œ
- ”Ãœ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸÕ »œ”‘¡Õ
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ »œ”‘
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ» »œ”‘œ◊
- n
- Ô‘fi≈‘ œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈Œ…—» (◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ≈ ƒœÕ≈ŒŸ)
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ ƒœÕ≈Œ
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ» ƒœÕ≈Œœ◊
- n
- Ô‘fi≈‘ œ¬ œ€…¬À¡» (◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ≈ ƒœÕ≈ŒŸ)
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ ƒœÕ≈Œ
- ◊…“‘’¡ÃÿŒŸ» ƒœÕ≈Œœ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ÀÃ…≈Œ‘¡Õ
- ÀÃ…≈Œ‘
- ÀÃ…≈Œ‘œ◊
- n
- Ô‘fi≈‘ œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈Œ…—»
- –œÃÿ⁄œ◊¡‘≈Ãÿ
- –œÃÿ⁄œ◊¡‘≈Ã≈
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ œ‘À¡⁄œ◊ –œ ÀÃ…≈Œ‘¡Õ
- ÀÃ…≈Œ‘
- ÀÃ…Œ‘œ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ¬“¡’⁄≈“¡Õ (”’ÕÕ¡“Œ¡—)
- ¬“¡’⁄≈“
- ¬“¡’⁄≈“œ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ¬“¡’⁄≈“¡Õ (–œƒ“œ¬Œ¡—)
- ¬“¡’⁄≈“
- ¬“¡’⁄≈“œ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ œ–≈“¡√…œŒŒŸÕ ”…”‘≈Õ¡Õ
- œ–≈“¡√…œŒŒ¡— ”…”‘≈Õ¡
- œ–≈“¡√…œŒŒŸ» ”…”‘≈Õ
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ƒœÕ≈Œ¡Õ
- ƒœÕ≈Œ
- ƒœÕ≈Œœ◊
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ œ“«¡Œ…⁄¡√…—Õ
- œ“«¡Œ…⁄¡√…—
- œ“«¡Œ…⁄¡√…
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ Àœƒ’ ◊œ⁄◊“¡‘¡
- Àœƒ ◊œ⁄◊“¡‘¡
- Àœƒœ◊ ◊œ⁄◊“¡‘¡
- n
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ ◊“≈Õ≈Œ… œ¬“¡¬œ‘À… ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- Û‘¡‘…”‘…À¡ –œ “¡⁄Õ≈“¡Õ Δ¡ Ãœ◊
- ## Used at the bottom of the report
- ¸‘œ‘ ¡Œ¡Ã…⁄ ◊Ÿ–œÃŒ≈Œ –“œ«“¡ÕÕœ
- ˜“≈Õ— “¡¬œ‘Ÿ –“œ«“¡ÕÕŸ
- Ì≈Œÿ€≈ fi≈Õ 1
- ## Used in the time reports
- Ρ÷ƒŸ ”…Õ◊œÃ
- œ‘œ¬“¡÷¡≈‘
- …Ã… œÀœÃœ ‹‘œ«œ
- œ¬“¡›≈Œ…≈ À ”‘“¡Œ…√≈
- œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ
- ## Used at the bottom of each non-time report: need m, f & n genders
- Œ≈ “¡”–œ⁄Œ¡Œœ
- Œ≈ “¡”–œ⁄Œ¡Œœ
- Œ≈ “¡”–œ⁄Œ¡Œœ
- ## Used on the pie charts: again need m, f & n genders
- *
- *
- ƒ“’«œ≈
- ## Used at the top of the report
- “œ«“¡ÕÕ¡ ”‘¡“‘œ◊¡Ã¡ ◊
- ·Œ¡Ã…⁄ œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”≈“◊≈“’ ”
- –œ
- ## Used in the General Summary
- ı”–≈€ŒŸ» œ¬“¡›≈Œ…
- Û“≈ƒŒ≈≈ ÀœÃ. ’”–≈€ŒŸ» œ¬“¡›≈Œ… ◊ ƒ≈Œÿ
- ı”–≈€ŒŸ» œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ
- Û“≈ƒŒ≈≈ ÀœÃ. ’”–≈€ŒŸ» œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ ◊ ƒ≈Œÿ
- Û‘“œÀ Ãœ«Δ¡ á, Œ≈ ”œƒ≈“÷¡›…» Àœƒ¡ ◊œ⁄◊“¡‘¡
- Ó≈’”–≈€ŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- ≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- ˙¡–“œ”œ◊ ” ÀœƒœÕ ◊œ⁄◊“¡‘¡
- ΜÅfi≈”‘◊œ ⁄¡–“œ€≈ŒŒŸ» Δ¡ Ãœ◊
- ΜÅfi≈”‘◊œ œ¬”Ã’÷≈ŒŒŸ» »œ”‘œ◊
- È”–œ“fi≈ŒŒŸ» ”‘“œÀ ◊ logfile
- Ó≈÷≈á‘≈ÃÿŒŸ» ⁄¡–…”≈ ◊ Ãœ«Δ¡ Ã≈
- ‰¡ŒŒŸ» –≈“≈ƒ¡Œœ
- Û“≈ƒŒ≈≈ ÀœÃ. –≈“≈ƒ¡ŒŒŸ» ƒ¡ŒŒŸ» ◊ ƒ≈Œÿ
- ˙¡–…”ÿ ◊ À“’«ÃŸ» ”Àœ¬À¡» - ƒ¡ŒŒŸ≈ ⁄¡
- 7 ƒŒ≈ ƒœ
- –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ≈“≈»œƒ
- ˜◊≈“»
- ## Some special phrases for particular reports.
- [Œ≈“¡”–œ⁄Œ¡ŒŒŸ IP-¡ƒ“≈”]
- [ƒœÕ≈Œ Œ≈ œ–“≈ƒ≈Ã≈Œ]
- [Œ≈…⁄◊≈”‘ŒŸ ƒœÕ≈Œ]
- [Àœ“Œ≈◊œ À¡‘¡Ãœ«]
- [Œ≈ À¡‘¡Ãœ«]
- [¬≈⁄ “¡”€…“≈Œ…—]
- [ƒ…“≈À‘œ“……]
- Ó≈…⁄◊≈”‘Œ¡— Windows-”…”‘≈Õ¡
- ‰“’«…≈ Unix-”…”‘≈ÕŸ
- “œ¬œ‘Ÿ
- Ó≈…⁄◊≈”‘Œ¡— ÔÛ
- ## Column headings for requests, pages, bytes and number (ie position in list)
- ## and percentages and last-7-day versions of these.
- ## Should be as short as possible -- abbreviate if necessary.
- ## (The ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.)
- ⁄¡–“œ”Ÿ
- ⁄¡–“œ”Ÿ (7ƒŒ≈ )
- %⁄¡–“
- %⁄¡–“œ”Ÿ (7 ƒŒ≈ )
- ”‘“¡Œ…√
- ”‘“¡Œ…√Ÿ (7 ƒŒ≈ )
- %”‘“¡Œ…√
- %”‘“¡Œ…√Ÿ (7 ƒŒ≈ )
- ¬¡ ‘
- ?¬¡ ‘
- ¬¡ ‘ ⁄¡ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ?¬¡ ‘ ⁄¡ 7 ƒŒ≈
- %¬¡ ‘
- %¬¡ ‘ ⁄¡ 7 ƒŒ≈
- N
- ## Now we need to know how to say "listing the top <whatever>", "listing
- ## the top <n> <whatevers>", and "listing <whatevers>". The %s and %d
- ## will be replaced by the appropriate things. There may be three of each of
- ## these statements, for the genders m, f and n. Any genders that aren't used,
- ## you can just put a * there instead. So, for example, French starts
- ## Affichage du premier %s
- ## Affichage de la première %s
- ## *
- ## with entries for m & f, but not n
- *
- *
- œÀ¡⁄¡Œœ –≈“◊Ÿ≈ %s
- *
- *
- œÀ¡⁄¡Œœ –≈“◊Ÿ≈ %d %s
- *
- *
- Û–…”œÀ %s
- ## "by" in the phrase "listing the top 3 files BY number of requests"
- -
- ## All requests WITH AT LEAST 10 requests
- Œ¡ Àœ‘œ“Ÿ≈ –“…»œƒ…‘ÿ”—, À¡À Õ…Œ…Õ’Õ
- ## Different ways of doing floors
- ⁄¡–“œ” ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ⁄¡–“œ” ”‘“¡Œ…√ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ”‘“¡Œ…√ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ ⁄¡–“œ”
- –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ ⁄¡–“œ” ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- Œ≈’”–≈€ŒŸ ⁄¡–“œ”
- Œ≈’”–≈€ŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- Œ≈’”–≈€ŒŸ ⁄¡–“œ” ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- Œ≈’”–≈€ŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄◊ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % ‘“¡Δ…À¡
- % ‘“¡Δ…À¡ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ≈ ÀœÃ. ‘“¡Δ…À¡
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ«œ ÀœÃ. ‘“¡Δ…À¡ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ¬¡ ‘ ‘“¡Δ…À¡
- ¬¡ ‘œ◊ ⁄¡ ‘“¡Δ…À
- ## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
- ?¬¡ ‘ ‘“¡Δ…À¡
- ¬¡ ‘ ‘“¡Δ…À¡ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ¬¡ ‘ ‘“¡Δ…À¡ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ?¬¡ ‘ ‘“¡Δ…À¡ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ⁄¡–“œ€≈Œœ ” ‘≈» –œ“
- ” –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈Œ…≈Õ ”
- ” œ€…¬Àœ ”
- ” –≈“◊ŸÕ ⁄¡–“œ”œÕ ”
- ” –≈“◊ŸÕ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸÕ ⁄¡–“œ”œÕ ”
- ” –≈“◊ŸÕ œ€…¬œfiŒŸÕ ⁄¡–“œ”œÕ ”
- ## Now "sorted by": again, in m, f & n (only needed in plural though)
- *
- *
- œ‘”œ“‘…“œ◊¡Œœ
- ## Used at the top of each report
- ¸‘œ‘ œ‘fi≈‘ ”œƒ≈“÷…‘ ƒ¡ŒŒŸ≈ …⁄
- ## Used in pie charts
- œƒ≈Ã≈Œœ Œ¡ ”≈À‘œ“¡
- ## different ways of sorting
- –œ ”’ÕÕ¡“ŒœÕ’ ‘“¡Δ…À’
- œ¬fl≈Õ ‘“¡Δ…À¡ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- % ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ«œ fi…”á ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ«œ fi…”á ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- –œ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊’ œ¬“¡›≈Œ…
- ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊œ ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ
- % œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ≈ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊œ œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ«œ fi…”á œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- –œ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊’ œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√≈
- fi…”Ãœ œ¬“¡›≈Œ… À ”‘“¡Œ…√¡Õ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- % –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ≈ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- % Õ¡À”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ«œ fi…”á –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % œ€…¬œfiŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- % œ€…¬œfiŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- % Õ¡”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ«œ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊¡ œ€…¬œfiŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊
- % Õ¡”…Õ¡ÃÿŒœ«œ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊¡ œ€…¬œfiŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄¡ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- –œ ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊’ œ‘À¡⁄œ◊
- ÀœÃ…fi≈”‘◊œ œ€…¬œfiŒŸ» ⁄¡–“œ”œ◊ ⁄◊ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ…≈ 7 ƒŒ≈
- –œ ƒ¡‘≈ –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ≈«œ ƒœ”‘’–¡
- ◊“≈Õ— –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ≈«œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒœ«œ ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- ◊“≈Õ— –œ”Ã≈ƒŒ≈«œ œ€…¬œfiŒœ«œ ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- ◊“≈Õ— –≈“◊œ«œ ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- ◊“≈Õ— –≈“◊œ«œ –≈“≈Œ¡–“¡◊Ã≈ŒŒœ«œ ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- ◊“≈Õ— –≈“◊œ«œ œ€…¬œfiŒœ«œ ⁄¡–“œ”¡
- ## 3 other ways of sorting in m, f, & n
- *
- *
- œ‘”œ“‘…“œ◊¡ŒŒŸ –œ ¡ÃΔ¡◊…‘’
- *
- *
- œ‘”œ“‘…“œ◊¡ŒŒŸ –œ –œ“—ƒÀœ◊ŸÕ ŒœÕ≈“¡Õ
- *
- *
- Œ≈œ‘”œ“‘…“œ◊¡ŒŒŸ
- ## The separators to use between thousands, and as a decimal point. For
- ## example, English generally uses "3,000.25" so has , and . here. French uses
- ## "3 000,25", so has space and , instead.
- ,
- ## There's a colon here, because the French like to put a space before a colon,
- ## so they have space-colon instead here.
- :
- ## am and pm in the sense of morning and afternoon.
- am
- pm
- ## Some date formats. E.g. for 9am on 1st January 1997 use
- ## %d for date " 1"
- ## %D for 0-padded date "01"
- ## %m for month "Jan"
- ## %l for month at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
- ## %y for short year "97"
- ## %q for quarter of the year "1"
- ## %Y for long year "1997"
- ## %h for hour in 24-hour clock " 9"
- ## %H for 0-padded hour "09"
- ## %j for hour in 12-hour clock " 9"
- ## %n for minute "00"
- ## %a for am or pm "am"
- ## %i for hour at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
- ## %I for 0-padded hour at end of time interval
- ## %k for 12-hour hour at end of time interval
- ## %o for minute at end of time interval
- ## %b for am or pm at end of time interval
- ## %w for weekday "Wed"
- ## %x for a dash in a range e.g. in 14:00-14:15. This is necessary because in
- ## proper typesetting, this should be an en-dash not a regular dash.
- ##
- ## So for a date, English might have %d/%m/%y for 1/Jan/97, whereas German
- ## would have %d.%m %y for 1.Jan 97). Note: the month number is not available
- ## because it can produce ambiguous dates.
- ##
- ## The different date formats are as follows
- ## "refer to the 7 days to [date]"
- %d %m %Y %H:%n
- ## "Program started at" and "Analysed requests from"
- %w %d %m %Y %H:%n
- ## In Daily Report
- %d %m %y
- ## In Daily Summary
- %w
- ## In Hourly Report
- %d %m %y %H:%n%x%I:%o
- ## In Hourly Summary
- %h
- ## In Hour of the Week Summary
- %w %H:%n%x%I:%o
- ## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Reports
- %d %m %y %H:%n%x%I:%o
- ## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Summaries
- %H:%n%x%I:%o
- ## In Weekly Report
- %d %m %y
- ## In Monthly Report
- %m %Y
- ## In Quarterly Report
- %m%x%l %Y
- ## An alternative for Quarterly Report: %Y Q%q
- ## In Yearly Report
- %Y
- ## The date (d) column in non-time reports
- %d %m %y
- ## The date & time (D) column in non-time reports
- %d %m %y %H:%n
- ## In non-time reports: "including all files with requests since [date]"
- %d %m %y at %H:%n
- ## Finally, definitions of the HTTP status codes (see
- ## ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2616.txt). You're welcome to leave these in
- ## English if you think they look better that way.
- 100 Continue with request
- 101 Switching protocols
- 1xx [Ú¡⁄Ã…fiŒ¡— …ŒΔœ“Õ¡√…—]
- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 202 Accepted for future processing
- 203 Non-authoritative information
- 204 OK, but nothing to send
- 205 Reset document
- 206 Partial content
- 2xx [Miscellaneous successes]
- 300 Multiple documents available
- 301 Document moved permanently
- 302 Document found elsewhere
- 303 See other document
- 304 Not modified since last retrieval
- 305 Use proxy
- 306 Switch proxy
- 307 Document moved temporarily
- 3xx [Miscellaneous redirections]
- 400 Bad request
- 401 Authentication required
- 402 Payment required
- 403 Access forbidden
- 404 Document not found
- 405 Method not allowed
- 406 Document not acceptable to client
- 407 Proxy authentication required
- 408 Request timeout
- 409 Request conflicts with state of resource
- 410 Document gone permanently
- 411 Length required
- 412 Precondition failed
- 413 Request too long
- 414 Requested filename too long
- 415 Unsupported media type
- 416 Requested range not valid
- 417 Expectation failed
- 4xx [Miscellaneous client/user errors]
- 500 Internal server error
- 501 Request type not supported
- 502 Error at upstream server
- 503 Service temporarily unavailable
- 504 Gateway timeout
- 505 HTTP version not supported
- 506 Redirection failed
- 5xx [Miscellaneous server errors]
- xxx [Unknown]